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Religion: Plagiarism

Online Resources to aid in the study of world religions

CREDO Video: Plagiarism

A Brief Checklist for Avoiding Plagiarism

  • Give credit for someone else's material when quoting or paraphrasing.
  • Use quotation marks around a short direct quote or use the block format for long quotes.
  • Use ellipsis marks when omitting words in a quote.
  • Use brackets when adding your words within a quote.
  • Give credit to the original creator of any work regardless of the format of the original work.

The source of this content is the 13th edition of The Little, Brown Handbook, by Ramsey H. Fowler and Jane E. Aaron.

OWL at Purdue Avoiding Plagiarism

WPA Best Practices

Academic Integrity Honor Code

Central Carolina Technical College affirms the values of excellence, integrity, and innovation. Academic integrity is an important element of our values. The Academic Integrity Honor Code holds students to high academic and personal behavior standards. The Academic Integrity Honor Code emphasizes the importance of academic integrity, personal pride, honor and accountability; and these are the standards by which students are expected to adhere to in the academic environment whether or not they are explicitly asked in advance to do so.

I pledge the work in this course will be my own.
I pledge not to allow others to copy or present my work as their work.
I pledge not to commit any acts of plagiarism, including the use of Artificial Intelligence tools without faculty permission.
I pledge to cite and reference any work obtained from resources.
I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal to gain academic advantage.
I pledge to oppose every instance of academic dishonesty.

I understand that any act of academic dishonesty is a direct violation of the Student Code and will have consequences, up to and including failing the course, as outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

MLA Style Center - Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

APA Style: Plagiarism